Downtown Lunch

Five peregrines in Downtown Pittsburgh, 21 June 2014 (photo by Anne Marie Bosnyak)
Five peregrines in Downtown Pittsburgh, 21 June 2014 (photo by Anne Marie Bosnyak)

Is this a flock of crows?  No!

Anne Marie Bosnyak went Downtown last Saturday to find Pittsburgh’s Gulf Tower peregrines and she hit the jackpot.  At the corner of Fifth and Wood she saw two on the edge of the Citizen’s Bank Building.  As she watched, an adult arrived with food and four juveniles popped in for a meal.  From the looks of this, I doubt they were planning to share.

When they aren’t hanging out elsewhere the youngsters have lunch at the U.S. Steel Tower where Patti Mitsch can watch them outside her 38th floor window.  Here are four snapshots from cellphone videos she shared with me on Facebook.

Peregrine leftovers on the ledge, U.S. Steel Tower (photo by Patti Mitsch)
Juvenile peregrine with leftovers on the ledge, U.S. Steel Tower (photo by Patti Mitsch)
Two snapshots, juvenile peregrine on US Steel Tower ledge (photos by Patti Mitsch)
Peekaboo at the US Steel Tower ledge (photos by Patti Mitsch)


And just to prove that peregrines match the buildings, here’s another close-up.

Peregrine falcon juvenile at U.S. Steel Tower (photo by Patti Mitsch)
Juvenile peregrine at U.S. Steel Tower, 9 June 2014 (photo by Patti Mitsch)

If I had a peregrine outside my window I’d be unable to work for days! 😉


(top photo by Anne Marie Bosnyak.  Juveniles at U.S. Steel Tower by Patti Mitsch)

5 thoughts on “Downtown Lunch

  1. Hi Kate, that was a great shot by Anne Marie. They also hang out the window ledges at the Oliver Bldg. facing Mellon Square. Judi had them right outside her window a couple of times when she worked there. DOUG Ps. thanks for the directions, here’s hoping.

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