Happy 2016!

Festive lights at Phipps Conservatory (photo by Kate St. John)


On the first of January many birders start a new Year List of the birds they’ve seen.  I’m not that organized but I can tell you that my last bird of 2015 was a rock pigeon (63 of them in my neighborhood) and my first birds this year were American crows leaving the roost before dawn.

May the new year be full of birds and the beauty of nature.   Health and happiness to all.

Happy 2016!


(photo by Kate St. John)

2 thoughts on “Happy 2016!

  1. Thanks, Kate, for making my first full year of birding much more knowledgeable and enjoyable. Happy New Year!

  2. My last bird of 2015 was an American Robin, which is not very common to see in Tucson. My first bird of 2016 was a Western Screech Owl who recently took up residence in a nesting box in my yard – I hope s/he stays for the breeding season. Happy 2016!!

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