Gulf Tower Fledgling Update, May 30

Two chicks at Gulf Tower nest, 30 May 2017 at 7:39pm (photo from the National Aviary falconcam)
Two chicks at Gulf Tower nest, 30 May 2017 at 7:39pm (photo from the National Aviary falconcam)

Yesterday at Gulf Tower Fledge Watch it appeared that one, maybe two, of the peregrine chicks had fledged.  I found one chick off camera on the same level as the nest.  Where were the other two?

I used this clue: Find the parents and look where they are looking.  Yesterday Dori and Louie often perched just above the observation deck and stared at the deck floor.  I wondered if one or both were there.

Last evening Anne Marie Bosynak stopped by Flag Plaza and saw all three youngsters.  One had fledged to the observation deck area.  (Aha!)  The other two were on the nest level.

By 7:30pm two birds were back on camera.  This morning all three are off camera again. They will probably fly today.

I won’t be holding a Gulf Tower Fledge Watch but if you’re downtown keep your eyes on the sky and on nearby buildings.  The Gulf Tower peregrine chicks are learning to fly.


(photo from the National Aviary falconcam at the Gulf Tower)

13 thoughts on “Gulf Tower Fledgling Update, May 30

    1. Emergencyrn, if you’re getting an Error Loading Player message, the problem is on your computer or browser. The cameras are working for me in Firefox on Windows 10.

    1. Patti, probably. Even without watching I can say that by Friday the answer will be Yes.
      UPDATE at 2pm from Lori Maggio: 1 fledged (as of yesterday) and 2 still at nest level.

  1. Hi Kate,
    Did one of the Pitt chicks get knocked out of the nest. I was watching and at approximately 16:24 cam time one was sitting on the right edge of the nest and the next thing I knew it was gone. One of the other chicks was standing over there looking down. I’m assuming it ended up under the nest. Is it able to get back up from there?

    Thank you

    1. Carol D, I didn’t see it. The chick either went up to the ledge walking area or down in the gully. In either case the chick will return to the nest before it eventually flies.

  2. Oh my. The Aviary website says all three fledged over the last two days; but I see two of them still at the nest area as of 6:45 pm. It doesn’t count as fledging unless they actually leave the nest area, right?

    1. There’s quite a bit of confusion at Gulf because we haven’t seen where they go when they’re off camera, nor how they left (on foot or by wing). In the first couple of days after fledging young birds often return to the nest.
      By Friday I expect they will all have flown at least once.

    1. Janet, no worries. Watch for my blog post this morning that will explain everything. (I am still writing it.)

  3. Right now there is a Peregrin on Grant street by the Federal building. Animal control is there. It is banded. This is as of 6:30pm 6/1

    1. John, sorry I was tied up all evening and am only seeing your message now. Thank you for letting me know. I’m sure that the bird is in good hands. If it’s healthy it’ll go back to its parents soon.

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