
Great-horned Owl in ARL's flight cage (photo by Maria Pyrdek)When I received this picture from Maria Pyrdek it made me laugh out loud.  

This is one of Martha’s foster babies at Animal Rescue League’s Wildlife Center.  Martha’s the great-horned owl I wrote about on May 13 who’s raising orphaned nestlings. The baby owls are ready to fledge so they graduated to the flight cage. 

Martha moved with them to continue her fostering duties and give them additional tips on how to be good owls.  Click on the photo to see nearly the entire family – except this guy.

I wonder what Martha thought when he did this.  He can fly, but can he land?  What a hoot!

“Cut me a break,” he says, “I’m learning.”

(photos by Maria Pyrdek at the ARL Wildlife Center in Verona, PA.  Click on the owl’s photo to see Martha with the babies in the flight cage.)

4 thoughts on “Whoops!

  1. WHOOPS ; RIGHT; I have those days sometime. Told my husb. granddaughter to look for her 2 peregrine to fledge. She works on the 36th Fl. of Gulf Bldg. & she sees them every year; the nest is above her & they sit in front of her window on a ledge sometimes. Just a joy to have. Have to go into FAlk Clinic later this morning & will take binoculars & see if I see any practicing on COL ledges. I see only 3 in nest so somebody is walking about. You make looking around much more interesting in that I see so much more in the woods here, little flowers & plants that I didn’t particularly look much at lately. Faith C.

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