Peregrine Chat Tonight with Dr. Katzner

Last month’s chat about peregrine falcons with Dr. Todd Katzner was so popular that he’ll be holding another one tonight. 

Tune in to the Cathedral of Learning Chat from 7:00 to 7:30pm for another informative discussion.

Dr. Katzner is a raptor expert, the Director of Conservation and Field Research at the National Aviary, and the co-editor of a new book, The Eagle Watchers, an insiders’ view of what it’s like to study eagles in remote locations around the world.

A lot has happened in our peregrines’ lives since the last chat so I’m sure you’ll have questions about the Gulf Tower’s “blended family,” about the banding and about fledging — just to name a few.

To participate, login at the “Please sign in or sign up for free” links on the Cathedral of Learning webcam page

Don’t miss it!

(photo of Dr. Katzner with just-banded peregrine falcon in Scotland, courtesy Todd Katzner)

3 thoughts on “Peregrine Chat Tonight with Dr. Katzner

  1. Great pictures of the banding. Check The Trip for others. What happened to the camera at The Cathedral? It is very out of focus now. I will try to get to the fledge watch on Saturday, May 29.

  2. The Cathedral of Learning streaming cam has low-light-level issues at dawn and dusk since Banding Day. It is fuzzy for about an hour each day as the light changes from day to night, night to day. It probably needs an onsite visit but no one can go out on the ledge until the chicks have fledged so it will remain “as is” for the rest of the camera-viewing season — which is about 3 more weeks.

  3. Click here for the transcript of Wednesday night’s chat with Dr. Todd Katzner. It also includes the Q&A with me after Dr. Katzner left the chat.

    Thanks to Donna Memon and Jennie Barker for capturing the chat and making this transcription. Thanks, “sno” and “mindysmom”.

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