Happy Motoring!

Over the weekend the nestlings at the Cathedral of Learning moved out of their huddle and began to motor around the nest.  As soon as they discovered their wings, they realized they could move faster if they flapped while walking.


They were so busy on Sunday that they sometimes moved out of camera view.  Here you see only three of the four chicks. Clearly it was time to zoom out the snapshot camera so we could see them better. 


Of course I’ll miss these cute close-ups.  (Peek-a-boo!)


But as soon as we had a wider view, we got a freeze-frame of an incoming peregrine.  What an action shot! 


And now we can see all the chicks, even when they’re at the front of the nest.

Happy motoring.   😉

(photos from the National Aviary snapshot camera at the Cathderal of Learning, University of Pittsburgh)

8 thoughts on “Happy Motoring!

  1. Oh! It happens so quickly, doesn’t it? Look at that little one right up front. “A” type personality perhaps?

  2. Kate — these pictures are precious! Gave me a great laugh this morning – best way to start the day! Thanks!

  3. boy those pictures are the best morning show you could have; goodbye TV. Thanks Kate. Oatmeal & baby birds, old age can be wonderful at any age!!!!

  4. They are growing up so fast!

    I love their feather bed! It looks like Blue Jays have been a frequent main course.

  5. I’m watching Gulf right now and 2 of the bigger chicks are also moving around a bit! Not too far behind their cousins (?) @ CoL.

  6. I wish I could get into the Cathedral webcam this year, but the focus on it has been very blurry (even on clear, sunny days!) and it’s hard to see anything other than indistinguishable blobs of white fluff. I don’t understand why the Cathedral cam is such poor quality now when the Gulf Tower cam looks fine.

  7. Kem, that’s because there are software adjustments that need to be made to the Pittcam. Those adjustments were made during the Gulf install but not during the Pitt install. We hope that during the banding (May 19) Bill Powers from PixController will be able to bring the proper connecting hardware and make the software adjustments. If it cannot be done then, it may have to wait until next year.

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