11 August 2011
Compared to the month of May, Pitt’s peregrines are very quiet in August. Right now they’re molting, which tends to make them sedentary. Some days our only view of Dorothy is her back as she roosts high on the Cathedral of Learning in the midday heat.
When we don’t see the peregrines we think they aren’t at home, but the webcam tells us otherwise: Dorothy and E2 bow at the nest several times a week.
A bowing session usually begins when E2 calls out, “Dorothy, come here!” Sometimes it takes her a while to get there. When she arrives E2 bows low.

As they chirp and turn their heads, Dorothy warms up and E2 cools off. It looks like she’s telling him sweet things but E2 has lost interest already.

E2 always leaves the nest first; Dorothy gazes into thin air.

There are two interesting facts imbedded in these pictures:
- In the first photo, E2 is showing his leg bands. I was able to read them and, yes, it’s him.
- In the last photo Dorothy has two short tail feathers with white tips. Those are new feathers. Her old feathers lost their white tips through wear during the nesting season. By the time her molt is done she’ll have a white edge on her tail again.
p.s. D and E’s son “Henry” is still in town. I saw and heard him on Tuesday evening. He is one loud peregrine!
(photos from the National Aviary snapshot camera at University of Pittsburgh)
Thank you for the post on our peregrines! I miss them.
Nice to know that they are at home. Was in Lawrenceville to day and checked the church but no one was there.
Last night, Wednesday August 10, I sat in a car at the tracks in the Pittsburgh strip district and watched two Gray hawk-like birds float motionless on the updraft above Bigelow boulevard. Such a distinctive shape as they soar. And they bank just like an airplane when changing from a motionless position to a soaring position. I felt certain that I was seeing the Gulf Tower peregrines. What do you think??
I thought I heard Henry on Monday morning I think. Just that incessant calling. This was late morning and in North Oakland. I looked around but couldn’t find where it was coming from before it stopped.
Barb, I’ve seen those hawks as well. What I usually see in the strip are a pair of red-tails that hang out up in the trees on the hill above and below Bigelow. They’re good entertainment while I wait at the bus stop. Many times I’ll catch them up on the corner of one of the taller buildings along Penn. Leave it to me to be looking skyward with all the goodies along the street. With all the food, there must be plenty of little critters for the hawks to feast on.
Over at the Animal Rescue League’s blog is a very cute picture of one of the Gulf Tower chicks who, was treated for injuries at ARL and subsequently released:
They don’t say where the bird was found, but mention head injuries. Luckily, it seems like the bird’s OK now.
Thanks for the update, Milos. This female was found injured at Macy’s on 7/1/11. Glad to hear she’s back in the wild!