March Flowers Bring…

If April showers bring May flowers, what do March flowers bring?

In this case, scavenging flies.

Yesterday I found a huge patch of skunk cabbage blooming at Raccoon Creek State Park.  They were so well camouflaged that I had to be careful where I stepped.  I tried for a picture of the flowers hidden inside the spathe but was unsuccessful.  Of course the pollinators don’t need to see the flower.  They’re attracted to the smell.   I stepped on one by accident and yes, it smelled awful.

Also found blooming in wet places are the long, yellow catkins of American hazelnut trees. Here are some from Marcy Cunkleman’s garden.


The warm weather fooled me into thinking spring had sprung, but this field at Raccoon brought me back to reality.  How brown!

Spring still has a long way to go.

(skunk cabbage and field scene photos by Kate St. John, catkins photo by Marcy Cunkelman)

2 thoughts on “March Flowers Bring…

  1. I’ve had luck finding skunk cabbage at damp creek sides — or anywhere the water is slow moving.

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