Young And Curious

Curious chick examines the webcam (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at University of Pittsburgh)

The peregrine chick at the University of Pittsburgh won’t be ready to fly for a week but he’s a little bored at the nest so today he climbed up to the camera and gave it a look.

When he’s not investigating his surroundings he’s perfectly camouflaged when he lies down on the nest.  Can you find him in this picture?

Peregrine chick camouflaged on the nest (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at University of Pittsburgh)



(photos from the National Aviary falconcam at University of Pittsburgh)

2 thoughts on “Young And Curious

  1. I got an even better picture of him looking directly into the camera…very cute! I was thinking he seems to be wandering earlier than chicks have in the past, but I was thinking it was probably because he has no siblings to interact with in the nest.

    Had a fun weekend (except for a trail that was really way beyond our ability to do and took us eight exhausting hours) hiking in the PA Wilds. Saw a female yellow warbler, black vulture (close up, in the trees), red-eyed vireo, indigo bunting (I think…mainly just a dark blue blur), and many other birds too fast to identify, and some great flowers including pink Lady’s Slipper orchids and Star (or Bastard) Toadflax.

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