5 December 2014
As we age we notice that no matter how much we like certain foods, we just can’t eat them anymore without feeling lousy. At each new discovery my husband and I say, “You Can’t Always Eat What You Want” (from this parody of The Rolling Stones’ You Can’t Always Get What You Want).
But if we had the guts of vultures we could eat anything!
Vultures eat rotted, bacteria-ridden, poisonously-infected carrion that would kill any other animal but it never hurts them. Think of this: Vultures eat anthrax and they don’t get sick! How do they do it?
The answer is: Vultures evolved an extreme gut to cope with their disgusting dietary habits.
Since vultures’ faces get really dirty when they take apart a carcass, researchers from Denmark and The Smithsonian teamed up to compare the bacteria on vultures’ faces and in their guts. If there’s less bacteria in their guts than on their faces, their guts are cleaning up the mess.
According to Science Daily, the study generated DNA profiles from the bacteria living on the face and guts of 50 black and turkey vultures. On average, the vultures’ facial skin contained DNA from 528 different types of micro-organisms, whereas their guts had DNA from only 76 types.
“Apparently something radical happens to the bacteria during passage through their digestive system,” said researcher Lars Hestbjerg Hansen of Aarhus University.
You bet!
Vultures can always eat what they want.
Click here to read more in Science Daily.
(photo from Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons license. Click on the image to see the original)