Please excuse this blue-tinted old photo from May 2010 but I’m using it as a reminder that today is Banding Day(*) in Pittsburgh.
Peregrine falcon chicks will be banded at two locations:
- At the University of Pittsburgh’s Cathedral of Learning where there’s one famous nestling, and
- At the Neville Island I-79 Bridge where there are two chicks.
Stay tuned here at Outside My Window for news.
NOTE! I will be at peregrine banding & research events all day. I will post news today but may not have time to answer your questions until tomorrow.
(photo from May 2010 by Kate St. John)
(*) For my British readers (Hello, Derby watchers!), banding is the same as ringing … but you know that. 🙂
Thanks for the update Kate.
Do you know approx what time they will be doing the banding and are the camera’s running while the chick is taken and placed back.
Lets hope they can place the little chick back with it’s mummy and daddy and he will be able to live as a wild bird.
Derby’s chicks had their rings done on Sunday, early evening.
Thanks Kate for your updates! hope banding day goes well for all the chicks and especially Dorothys baby. Looking forward to hearing how he does with his examination. Wishing the best outcome for this little one. Secretely hoping he can be returned to Dorothy and E2 but knowing that may not happen. Are Dories chicks not being banded today?
Thanks, Kate, for the updates, and especially for relaying the Game Commission comments! I’m sure they set many minds at ease. It was also a relief to know about the area around the nest – that he can’t fall off the building! Just watched a banding video fm St Paul MN and the chicks look *huge* compared to our little one! Maybe it’s just the perspective of our cam. Of course deferring to the experts, but my personal hope is that they leave him w Dorothy and continue to watch his development a while longer.
I have been following the baby chick at Pitt on Wild Earth, which has been broadcasting the cam live all this week. I just happened to open it, and there was the man capturing the chick and putting it in a bag. So, the banding and exam is gong on now. We’ll know more soon.
Thank you, Kate, for taking time out of your busy day to let us know about Fuzzy. He looks a bit like “woe is me you won’t guess what I’ve just been through” right now, but hopefully he’ll be strutting his stuff around the box very soon. Thanks, too, to the game commission and all others responsible for the care given to these birds when needed.
Goodness! Sigh of relief here that workers decided to return the chick to Dorothy and E2. Now that ‘Fuzzy’ is back, mom is standing guard against another ‘bird-nap.’ She seems to be giving the camera her Evil Eye. Best wishes to this wonderful peregrine falcon family. And many thanks to the devoted wildlife workers and Kate St John for all they do.
Kate, do you have any news about the nest at Neville Island?