When I tell people I’m going to Arizona in July I’m sure they wonder, “Are you nuts?”
Today I’m on my way to the Southwest Wings Festival, July 29 to August 1 in Sierra Vista, Arizona. It’s one of the top 10 birding festivals in the U.S. and happens to be in one of the cooler places in the state.
“Cooler” in two ways: cool birds and cooler temperatures than Phoenix.
The festival is held in the mountains of southeastern Arizona where it never gets as hot as Phoenix. The arrow shows where it is.
The birds at this location are definitely cool. The area is the northernmost range of many Central American mountain species and the only place in the U.S. where you can find them including 15 species of hummingbirds, the elegant trogon, the Arizona woodpecker, yellow-eyed juncoes and much, much more.
Many of the best birds are migratory so the festival is held in late July during southeastern Arizona’s “second spring” — the monsoon season. I’m looking forward to a lot of new Life Birds and getting reacquainted with birds I saw the last time I was in Arizona in 1997.
Am I crazy? Well, I’m the only one in the house who’s crazy enough to go to Minnesota in the winter and Arizona in the summer. My non-birder husband is wisely staying home. 😉
(image from the National Weather Service)
Awesome! Summer was actually my favorite time of year while I lived in Arizona (Tucson), as it brought the monsoons and some much needed variety in the weather. The SE corner of the state is so interesting, too. Enjoy the birding!
From someone who was raised in the Central Valley of California, where the summers are just as hot and dry as where you’re going in Arizona, I say enjoy the lack of humidity, slather on the sun screen and spend as much time outdoors finding your life birds as you can. Your trip sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Hey Kate,
If you run into Sheri Williamson, tell her I said Hi, please.
Sounds like a wonderful time to me. The best birding is in the early morning when the Temps are cooler. Looking forward to your photos.
Yes! The Hummingbird capital of the U.S! And for some of us that would be heading for a cooler spot. (Unavoidable pun).
Have fun.
Hope you add many species to your Life List!