The flowers are ahead of schedule and so are some migratory birds. This week in Schenley Park I found four new arrivals.
Brown creepers (Certhia americana) spend the winter in the central and southern U.S. so they know about our warm weather and can decide to migrate early. I saw several brown creepers and heard their high pitched, squeaky song along the Bridle Trail on Thursday.
“Brown Creeper (Certhia americana nigrescens)” from xeno-canto by Mike Nelson. Genre: Certhiidae.
Two very tiny birds, smaller than chickadees, arrived on Tuesday. It’s unusual to see them together.
Golden-crowned kinglets (Regulus satrapa), at left below, have a winter range similar to the brown creeper’s and usually migrate through before their ruby-crowned cousins show up. I found both birds on March 29 when I heard the ruby-crowned kinglet singing “Stay away!” as the golden-crowned chased him. I’ve never seen these two species fighting!
Ruby-crowned kinglets (Regulus calendula) spend the winter in the southern U.S. and even in eastern Pennsylvania but they’re a big deal here. An appearance on March 29 is two weeks earlier than I expect them.
Here’s the ruby’s song and, at the end, the “chack” he makes when annoyed.
“Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula)” from xeno-canto by Hal Mitchell. Genre: Regulidae.
On Tuesday I heard a lone chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina) along the Bridle Trail but couldn’t find him for two days. He was hanging out with a flock of dark-eyed juncoes. Bob Machesney says that in the North Hills the dark-eyed juncoes are gone before the chipping sparrows arrive. This solo bird isn’t playing by the rules. 😉

Here’s the chipping sparrow’s song:
“Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina)” from xeno-canto by Martin St-Michel. Genre: Emberizidae.
Watch for the first three birds in the days ahead. Only the chipping sparrow will stay to nest in Schenley Park.
(all photos by Steve Gosser)
I saw my first golden crowned kinglet in Schenley Park some years ago. I was beyond excited!
I had Brown Creepers showing up starting Jan. 14 and continued thru Feb. My first Chipping Sparrow showed up Mar. 31 It used to be that the last American Tree Sparrow & first Chipping Sparrow would be here the same day, but not the past 2 years.
I found a dead Brown Creeper on Grant Street Monday afternoon, right in front of the US Steel Building. The poor thing was probably passing through downtown on the way to its summer home in the woods.
AJ, Please contact Matt Webb at BirdSafe. They are tracking birds that die Downtown. Here’s the address: birdsafepgh@gmail.com
I emailed as you recommended. It’s good to know somebody is keeping track – thank you.
The BirdSafe folk found a ruby crown kinglet (dead unfortunately) on March 19 in Oakland behind Pitt’s business library.
I have junco,white throat and chipping sparrows in the yard