C1, the lone chick at the Pitt peregrine nest, is eating well and growing fast. Here’s how much he’s grown in one week: May 8 to May 15.
May 8, 2016

May 15, 2016

What a difference!
(photos from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)
Good Morning! C1 sure is growing fast. Hope and Terzo are turning out to be good parents. Especially Terzo. Iam keeping my fingers crossed in regards to Hope. Have a great day.
I think C1 is now large enough that Hope won’t eat it. But with her bizarre behavior one never knows. Nonetheless, it is so adorable. The last of E2’s legacy.
Against some major odds of survival, C1 is thriving and hopefully will be fledging in a few weeks. Fingers still crossed that he will be able to live a long and productive life. With his pedigree he will be a beautiful bird.
They really grow fast. Thanks for posting this.
Seeing the huge difference in size only one week makes, and seeing troubles in nests on cam, where various raptor chicks hatched that far apart (Decorah north eagles comes to mind), leads to a real appreciation for how important it is for survival to have your chicks hatch as close together as possible. Hope may have been on to something, there. Thank you for the visual comparison, Kate.
Thanks for the screenshots, Kate. It’s been a real treat watching Hope and Terzo brood C1 with such dedication and now watching C1 look at Hope so inquisitively. I only check in 6-12 times a day for a few seconds to a few minutes at a time, so maybe I’m missing it, but I haven’t seen Terzo in at least a few days. Is he still frequenting the eyrie with regularity since C1 no longer needs such constant attention?
Deane, Terzo is often on camera and certainly close by if you watch from the ground. Please read the comments on this post: http://www.birdsoutsidemywindow.org/2016/05/13/peregrine-chicks-grow-up-video/
On Friday or Saturday Mom and click were leaning on each other and Mom was looking down at the chick. Knowing the problem with the other eggs and chick it was a very tender and touching moment for the Mom and chick. The act of the Mom touched on the human side for us. I just think Hope was overwhelmed by all of the event that happened. Thanks for your great work Kate.
Ahh…good to know that Terzo is still doing his job well. Thanks, Kate!
Wow, what a difference one week makes. C1 looks healthy. It’s funny when one of the parents tries to get him/her underneath for brooding, and C1 will have none of it, protesting so loudly. So cute!
Kate, has a banding date been set?
I’m so glad C1 is thriving. Hope turned out to be a good Mom. Thanks for posting.
Kate, C1 seems to spend a lot of time today in the back of the scrape facing the wall. Is he cold or sick, or is this normal behavior? Thanks
Adult peregrines roost standing up and facing the wall. As nestlings age they stop sleeping on their bellies and learn to roost like adults. As I’m sure you’ve already noticed, chicks always sleep a lot. It is normal for them to start sleeping in the grown ups’ position.
Thanks Kate. I kind of thought that, but I wasn’t sure. Thanks for putting my fears to rest.
I’ve read that growth hormone is produced during sleep. That may explain the extended sleep times for babies and chicks alike, and account for the rapid growth.
Gm Kate, great photos of C1, Do you know when they will band C1. will they show banding? Thank you, sheba50
Little C1 is a true survivor. I can not believe the fast growth span. Such a wonderful but heart tugging story to witness. After watching sweet little Silver and the difference between how Peregrines react is amazing.
It seems this little one (prayers) is on track.
I was going to also ask when do they band. Seems to be almost that time.
And seems Terzo and Hope aren’t as protective of nest as
The King and Queen
Dorothy and E2, Do you think they will protect on banding day?
Thanks Kate
I have received several comments asking when banding day is. As usual I will not reveal the date/time until that morning. There will be no broadcast of the banding. Afterward I will post photos on the blog & there will be news reports after the fact.
One of the last hurdles this little guy will have to endure. Always nice to receive health data from banding day. Time goes by so quickly and hopefully we will see him have a successful fledge. Would be nice to wrap up this nest’s drama with happy ending for C1.