The peregrine family at the Cathedral of Learning is in for some excitement today. Hope and Terzo’s chick, C1, will be banded this morning.
Just after 10:00am Dan Brauning of the Pennsylvania Game Commission will venture out on the Cathedral of Learning ledge. Don’t be shocked when you hear the peregrines “kakking” and the chick disappears for a while. The falconcams will continue to run while the chick is absent.
C1 will receive a health check and some new “jewelry” and will be returned to the nest very quickly. A side benefit is that we’ll learn whether he’s a “she” or a “he.”
Watch my blog for photos of the event later today.
p.s. It’s exceptionally warm here in Pittsburgh this week. As shown in the photo above, you’ll see C1 panting and holding his wings open to stay cool.
(photo from the National Aviary falconcam at the University of Pittsburgh)
Note: I don’t announce the banding in advance because the event is not open to the public. The room is too small to allow for uninvited guests.
You’ve referred to C1 as Hope and Terzo’s chick, will this be considered the chick’s parentage since it was the two of them that reared him or will the chick still be considered Hope and E2’s?
Maggie, his biological father is E2 but Hope & Terzo raised him.
Can’t wait to see the photos of C1’s banding ! Thanks, Kate, for getting us “inside access” to this very important event.
Exciting news! C1 looks to be growing quickly.
What did C1 have for breakfast this morning? The striped feathers in the nestbox are quite beautiful…
Were Hope’s previous chicks at the Tarentum Bridge banded, or will this be her first experience with one of her eyases being banded?
They just put it back in. Anyone hear what sex it is??
C1 is back in the nest!
Is there a danger that this human interference will cause Hope to stop caring for C-1 and not stay at the nest?
Also, has there been any word yet as to what happened to E-2 that caused his death?
Where was Terzo during the banding process? Hope was there and displaying a lot of distress. But I didn’t hear or see anything from Terzo?
Just watched as C1 was taken from the nest to get banded. Parents loud and unhappy. Then C1 was returned and all is quiet now! So happy to see C1 make it this far.
Unrelated question, Kate: What sounded like a loud mockingbird was singing in my back yard at midnight last night. What gives?
Hope is not moving away from that chick now! Glad to see how protective she is of the baby.
I had a meeting during the banding. Tried to watch it on the archives but the footage from that time period isn’t on the server. 🙁
Bethany – about Terzo and Hope’s roles. The female generally defends the nest while the male attacks the intruders and generally causes as much ruckus as possible around the nest. Once the chicks have been recovered from the nest, the female joins in the hullabaloo around the “cliff.”
This is a stupid question, but as I sit here watching the birds pant from the heat, how does C1 get any water to drink?? Does she get hydration from the raw meat?
Well, I googled right after I asked… yes it does sound like most falcons get their water from the organs of the birds they eat. Gross and fascinating!
I don’t think C1 will get much alone time today! Hope was not happy but she sure seems to be very protective and loving.
The banding was awesome and the baby is beautiful!
Kathy B., your midnight serenade came from a lonely bachelor mockingbird. They often sing at night. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Northern_Mockingbird/lifehistory
Kate C1 looks so big in your hands compared to the nest cam. You are so lucky to get to experience this. I am in awe of you.