For every other big event in the Pitt peregrines’ lives this spring, I’ve been out hiking without cell coverage so it was fitting that I was in the Laurel Highlands this morning without cell coverage when Fledge Watchers confirmed that C1 had fledged.
As it turns out, C1 probably flew last night around 7:30pm. When Lori Maggio was leaving The Porch restaurant last night she heard a peregrine screeching, looked up, and saw a brown bird flying toward Phipps. She didn’t know what was going on so she emailed me:
“An adult peregrine came flying toward the bird and seemed to go after it, bumping into it. The original bird circled back around and headed toward the Cathedral. It tried to land on one of the windows about 1/2 way up, pushed off the window and circled around the right side of the cathedral [out of sight]. The adult peregrine flew back and forth in front of the cathedral for about 45 seconds and then landed on the railing above the nest.”
Apparently Hope told C1 to turn back and land on the Cathedral of Learning … which she did safely on the other side. I’m sure the fledgling had a snack and slept all night after that excitement.

This morning at Fledge Watch Peter Bell saw Hope but not C1. When you can’t find a fledgling, find both parents and they’ll give you the clue so Peter found Terzo on the north side of the building.
By midday C1 was up and at ’em on the west face, shouting for food and flying to different ledges. In the photos above she’s in a very safe location 250 feet up. She’s exploring her new world.
Congratulations, C1! I knew you’d do it if I went out of cell range. 😉
(photos by Peter Bell (@PittPeregrines))
Yippee!!! that’s great news.
CONGRATULATIONS C1!!! I wish you a long and happy life. I’ll miss you. Go explore your new world. A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU KATE FOR EVERYTHING!!!
I am so happy C1 had her first flights. Mom seemed to spend a lot of time in the nest
by herself today. Go C1 go, have a happy and healthy long life. It was a honor watching you come into this world. Thank you Kate St. John for making it possible for as to watch.
Just like all kids, they NEVER do what you want them to do! Glad to hear the flights went well and she has figured out how to stay high and dry. It has been so much fun watching all the excitement this year, in spite of the sadness. Thanks for all your insights, Kate. I have learned so much from reading your blogs and doing additional research when I think of questions after I read your information. Enjoy your summer!
YAAAYYYYY!!! Go C1 🙂 so happy to hear this news!
Thank you Kate for all of your hard work and keeping us updated, as well as, answering questions.
I hope that C1 enjoys her new found freedom, Im going to miss watching her. I wonder if Terzo and Hope get to exhale soon. :).
Hooray! She did it. Thanks for the update and the pictures. C1, we’ll miss you.
For just a brief couple of seconds this afternoon, Hope and Terzo were in the scrape, bowing to each other. Let’s pray their bond is strong and we see plenty of little ones in their future.
Sounds like she’s a pretty good flier! How exciting!
With all the sadness and shock we have experienced at this nest site it is so gratifying to see C1 take wing. Kate, you have been so knowledgeable and someone who could answer our questions so expertly. I know we all feel such pride when we see pictures of her taking these first flights. These are special birds which are so easy to fall in love with as they grow. Will miss C1 and hope someday she will have a family to raise.
C1 was out and heading over Hillman Library for the Penguins parade (?) at 7.30am. Mum watched her for a while and then rounded her up and back to the CoL. Flapping hard but made it to a mid level perch. Thanks Kate for the education as we go along.
Has there been any information about the cause of death for C-1’s father?
Bethany, here is what we know at this point (discussed in this comment addressed to Lisa): http://www.birdsoutsidemywindow.org/about/#comment-177456
Budget cuts are penny wise and pound foolish.
I ( personally) feel more could have been done to rehabilitate last year’s chick if the budget would have allowed it.
Sorry, just my opinion.
Karen, I agree about budget cuts, but … sorry … no amount of money would have changed what happened. Last year’s chick was very handicapped and money could not fix him.