Now blooming in western Pennsylvania, Corallrhiza maculata is an orchid with many common names:
Spotted coralroot, Speckled coral root, Summer coralroot, Large coralroot, Many-flowered coralroot, and Western coralroot.
The names describe the plant:
- Its flower lip is spotted or speckled
- It blooms in the summer, July and August
- It’s large compared to other coralroots: 8-20 inches high with flowers 1/2 to 3/4 inches long
- It has many flowers, up to 40 per plant, and …
- It has a wide distribution that includes the U.S. West.
You’ll notice that none of the names include a color. That’s because this leafless plant can be brown, purplish, reddish or yellow. The flower lip is always white but the yellowish plants have no spots.
Wildflowers Of Pennsylvania by Mary Joy Haywood and Phyllis Testal Monk says, “This plant, which goes dormant for years, grows in shady deciduous or coniferous forests, and is found throughout Pennsylvania.”
But finding it is difficult. Like the other coralroots it matches its habitat and to find it you have to go out in July’s heat.
Dianne and Bob Machesney found this one on a very hot day in Butler County.
(photo by Dianne Machesney)