Yes! Gulf Tower Fledge Watch at Flag Plaza today, Sunday May 28, 11:30a to 1:30p.
Yesterday, Saturday May 27, I stuck to my plan but I missed some fun.
It rained in the morning so I didn’t plan to hold a Gulf Tower Fledge Watch at Flag Plaza. However, the rain stopped by noon so John English, John Bauman and Anne Marie Bosnyak went over to see what was up. Here are John English’s pictures.
At top is the view of the Gulf Tower with the nest area circled in yellow. It’s very easy to see the peregrines with binoculars. John took these photos through his scope.
Below, one peregrine chick perches on the pillar near the nest. You can see the falconcam from Flag Plaza.

Louie, circled top left, and Dori, circled at right, watch over the “kids” at the nest (yellow square) as fledging time approaches. They’re waiting for the next step:
When a chick flies for the first time one of the parents, usually the male, follows the chick to its landing place and makes sure it’s safe. If all is well, the parent brings food to the chick at its new perch. To us humans it looks like food is the reward for a job well done.

My reluctance to vary Saturday’s Watch schedule was due to my experience on Friday May 26.
The weather forecast said the rain would end around 11am but it was still pouring at 11:15a so I posted to Twitter and Facebook that I wouldn’t be Downtown until noon. Unfortunately, Margaret was already on her way and wondered where I was when she arrived at 11:30a. She sat out the rain under the railroad station portico, out of sight of the sidewalk were I set up my scope at noon.
After the drizzle stopped, Janine and Barb stopped over from the Federal Building around 1pm. We were thrilled to see Louie hunting close by as he dove on two mourning doves near the Federated Investors building. The doves escaped. Whoosh!
Margaret found us at 1:15pm. It started to rain hard at 1:30pmso Fledge Watch ended.
Fortunately, the weather looks good today and tomorrow so I’ll be at Flag Plaza both days, 11:30a to 1:30p.
(photos by John English, Pittsburgh Falconuts)
Kate, around 10:24 this morning, I saw a chick fledged from the Gulf, I think. It was so exciting to see.
Janet, all 3 are still at the nest. One of them jumped up on a pillar that’s out of camera view. We can see 3 from Fledge Watch.