Cathedral of Learning:
It looks like this young peregrine is about to take off but he was merely flapping. By the end of yesterday’s Pitt Peregrine Fledge Watch none of the juveniles had flown.
When I arrived at Schenley Plaza I counted two young birds in view and walked around the Cathedral of Learning to listen for whining in case a bird had fledged. All was quiet but Terzo was perched on the Fifth Avenue side looking down. Was he watching over a fledgling? Perhaps.
For two hours we saw only two juveniles on the nest rail and assumed the third was elsewhere. Then he stood up next to his siblings. Duh! He was sleeping in front of us!

In the boring moments Terzo perched in the cache area on our side of the building.

Yesterday evening two youngsters appeared on the snapshot camera around 7p. The one on the left is walking up to the nest rail. The one on the right is perched on the nestbox roof. You couldn’t have seen either of them on the streaming camera.

NO Fledge Watch today, June 5. There’s an 60% chance of thunderstorms in the area. Even if the storms bypass Schenley Plaza it’s too iffy to hold a Watch.
Check the Events page for news of Fledge Watch on Tuesday and beyond.
Gulf Tower:
In the last two days both a juvenile and Louie have appeared at the Gulf Tower nest. They never stay long.

Other than that, all is quiet … and that’s good news.
(photos from Schenley Plaza Fledge Watch by John English. Nest photos from the National Aviary falconcams at Univ. of Pittsburgh and Gulf Tower)