Listen for whining and watch the parents. That’s how you’ll find peregrine falcon youngsters after they’ve fledged.
Lori Maggio has been tracking the Gulf Tower peregrines using those two clues and shared these photos from June 1 through 5.
Above, a youngster calls to her parents from a corner of the Federated Building. Here’s where the two birds were.

Look in unlikely places and you’ll find an adult peregrine perched inside the C of the UPMC sign on the US Steel Building.

The fledgling was on a ledge below.

And yesterday, a fledgling spent several hours on a 19th floor windowsill at the Gulf Tower. The lucky folks in that office had a nice close look at a peregrine.

PITT PEREGRINE FLEDGE WATCH: The weather looks acceptable today, Tuesday 6 June 2017, so I’ll be at Schenley Plaza from 11:30a to 1:30p.
No additional Fledge Watch days are scheduled but stay tuned, especially on Facebook and Twitter, in case I decide to go to the Plaza (maybe Friday Jun 9).
(photos by Lori Maggio)
I’ve noticed the young one that was returned after being rescued from Grant St. is at the nest again tonight. She was there last night too. Is she just rebuilding her confidence?? I’ve seen Dori off and on up there too, but not the 2 of them at the same time.
Patricia, we really can’t know which of the three female fledglings returns to the nest area every night nor why she does it. She roosts standing up with her face to the wall (the outer wall of the nest roof). That position is an adult way to sleep so — whoever she is — she has graduated to that adult way of life.
Kate – you’re right – those of us on the 19th floor of the Gulf Tower were lucky to get a very close look at one of the fledglings all day yesterday and this morning. 19 BR was on the windowsill outside our conference room when the first person arrived in our office about 6:45 Monday morning, and she stayed there until sometime between 10 and 11 Tuesday morning. It was really something special to watch her up close and hear her calling her parents. Apparently she finally got brave or hungry enough to take off.
AJ, Thanks for telling me the band numbers. You probably know that your 19th floor bird is the one who was rescued from the sidewalk and returned to the nest last Thursday. Since she spent all last night on the 19th floor, she couldn’t have been the bird roosting at the nest. She finally woke up to what her parents were telling her: “Fly from the windowsill and you’ll get some food.” You were lucky to see her so close.
This is some incredible detective work by Lori. Thanks for helping extend our glimpse into these fledglings’ exciting new lives just a little while longer.
Kate, thanks for the post, Lori, thanks for the pics. Ditto on what Deane said, it’s fun to still have some time with these birds before they are gone! The first thing I do every morning is check the blog for updates! 🙂