It feels like a miracle. After years of almost no monarch butterflies I’ve seen more in Pittsburgh this summer than I have for a long time.
Their relative abundance reminds me of the “old days” in 2011 when they were so plentiful.
Have you noticed more monarchs this year than last?
(photo by Kate St.John)
Two years ago we had lots of Monarchs at my place, visiting the milkweed & purple coneflowers. Dozens of caterpillars devoured the milkweed in August. Last year a few Monarchs, just a couple caterpillars. This year no Monarchs or caterpillars, not a single one. There have been plentiful Tussock moth caterpillars on the milkweed this year.
Forgot to mention, located a little north of Pittsburgh, in Wildwood area.
We have! I hope this trend continues!
Three so far, which is three more than I saw last year! I need to get out more!
The past two years no monarchs. This year on many of the days over the last month I have seen one monarch in my garden, two on one day. Also frequent visitors are tiger and black swallow tails. I live in Squirrel Hill near CMU. The monarchs particularly like my p.g. hydrangea bush’s very large flowers. So wonderful to see the monarchs again.
I have several friends raising monarchs in their homes.
Definitely more monarchs this year. But my milkweed shows no signs of caterpillar activity, so not sure where they came from!
Out here in CA, people in my neighborhood have been noticing this. We all assumed it was because we finally had rain this year. But there, too? Great news. I also have some neighbors raising them indoors.
Only one possible sighting this year here near Uniontown; our milkweeds have not attracted any at all.
Monarchbutterflygarden.net may have something to do with that Kate! I’m now raising some inside after seeing the first batch eaten by birds or some other predator! I caught the last part of one pupating the other morning which was pretty cool! Two days later I’m finding lots of babies that have hatched that I didn’t even know we had!
On a five-day visit to Georgian Bay, Ontario a week ago, we saw perhaps 6-12 Monarchs each day, flying over the small islands just offshore.
Here in Forest Hills (eastern Allegheny County), Meg and I have had two or three Monarchs each day this August. Our neighbor plants for butterflies. For years, we’ve had one Monarch occasionally, usually in early August. Eastern Black Swallowtails in the tens now … both males and females. Tony
Yes! I’ve actually ordered some tags this year for the first time in about 10 years.
It’s been a good year so far in the S. Hills of Pittsburgh for Monarch butterflies! I have 2 tropical butterfly weeds that I planted in my front yard. So far I have collected 15 Monarch eggs from them since August 12. Once the eggs hatch, I am raising the caterpillars on milkweed leaves gathered from the “wild part” of my backyard. I also have zinnias, purple coneflowers and a butterfly bush that attracts the Monarch butterflies. Last year I found no eggs.
Live on the West end of Pittsburgh. No monarchs this year, or the past 3, despite many milkweed plants. Maybe their migration route is on the eastern side of the city?
Lots of monarchs on the Joe-Pye weed along Nine Mile Run in Lower Frick Park.
Lots of Monarchs this August. I have one emerging today and more on the way. Last year was probably the worst year I have experienced for Monarchs. Migration will be starting with all that are hatching now. Good to see the come back.