This year the PA Game Commission will track a few young peregrine falcons using nanotags and MOTUS technology.
Nanotags are very small transmitters that communicate with cell towers using MOTUS technology. The nanotags are so small that even a migrating dragonfly can wear one, shown below. Click here to read how the tags work and see one on a piping plover.

How will they attach the tags?
During the typical banding nest visit peregrine falcon chicks are not old enough to attach the transmitters — they need to have real feathers. Instead, PGC Endangered Species Biologist Patti Barber will attach the tags to healthy grounded fledglings that are rescued and about to be released by PGC Game Wardens.
As always, if you find a fledgling on the ground corral it to a safe zone and call the PGC “rescue” number: 724-238-9523. The Game Warden will contact Patti Barber and, if she’s in the area, she’ll come attach the tiny tracking device. The fledgling will be on its way … and we’ll know where it goes!
(photo of young peregrine by Nancy Weixel in 2011, screenshot of dragonfly from MOTUS website)
That sounds very interesting. Hope Patti gets some test subjects. Can’t wait to learn more about these magnificent birds after they fledge.
Thanks Kate, looking forward to some of the reports.
I’m interested in this study. Who can I contact directly to learn more? I’m a land owner in Clinton County PA, land situated on top of a mountain next to the Susquehanna river, and less than 30 miles from known historical peregrine nest. Please contact me.
Virginia Hoffman, contact Patti Barber at the PA Game Commission at patbarber@pa.gov