Here are a few bright photos taken at Duck Hollow yesterday, 3 April 2020, some by John English, some by myself. Yes, we were there at the same time. Yes, we stayed 6 feet apart!
Above, lesser celandine (Ficaria verna) blankets the Monongahela shore with bright yellow flowers. They are beautiful but very invasive. Note this photo from Fox Chapel.
These “true bugs” called boxelder bugs (Boisea trivittata) were abundant near the railroad tracks. They are especially fond of mating on the rails.
Trees are in bloom all around Pittsburgh.
Today promises to be another fine day. Remember: Don’t travel far (Stay At Home) and maintain physical distance outdoors (6 feet+).
(photos by John English and Kate St. John)
falcon with no bands at pitt cathedral. 1:48 pm. feet do not look especially yellow.
Hi Kate, is that Celandine or “Marsh Marigold,” (Caltha palustris)? I’ve been seeing the later blooming near Chartiers Creek, they are such pretty little native plants. They’re first on my “seeds to collect” list this year!
Carolyn, this is actually Lesser Celandine and it’s invasive.
Yikes, thank you, so glad to learn this now…I’ll be looking much closer before choosing seeds to take home, that’s for sure.