The beautiful Twitter video below from @Finnmarkbirding has happy news from the Varanger Peninsula in Finnmark county, Norway.
This week guillemots (we call them common murres, Uria aalge) and puffins (Fratercula arctica) are returning to Hornøya bird cliff in Vardø, Norway.
In slow motion they look like angels.
Guillemots and Puffins are finally starting to settle in Hornøya bird cliff. Unusually late this spring, but likely due to non stop heavy snow storms the past few weeks #vardø #varanger #hornøya pic.twitter.com/5g4tyBhcr5
— Varanger / Finnmark bird news (@Finnmarkbirding) April 3, 2020
(photo by Andreas Trepte, www.photo-natur.net via Wikimedia Commons; embedded Tweet by @Finnmarkbirding)
p.s. Common murres in the Norwegian Arctic often have “bridled” eye marks, shown above, and are called bridled guillemots.
They are so beautiful. Thanks, Kate.
Oh aren’t they wonderful?