13 March 2021
We’re about to lose an hour’s sleep, annoy our pets, and be crabby for a couple of days. Tonight we turn the clocks forward to Daylight Saving Time. It turns out this change is optional.

In 2019 the European Parliament voted to allow each EU nation to decide on its own if it wants to adhere to Daylight Saving Time (DST) starting in 2021. If a nation decides to keep Standard Time, it would change its clocks in October/November and never change again. If it decides to stay with DST it could change this month and stay in permanent DST. Interestingly if the UK (no longer in EU) and the Republic of Ireland (EU member) have different ideas about DST they could create two time zones where there has been only one.
In the U.S., each state is allowed not to participate in Daylight Saving Time (DST) but it requires the state legislature and Congressional approval to use DST year-round. Arizona, Hawaii and six U.S. island territories do not use DST while 13 U.S. states have begun the slow legislative process of making Daylight Saving Time permanent.
So changing our clocks tonight is optional. A country can decide not to do it. A state can decide not to do it. We as individuals have the freedom not to change our clocks, even if we live in a U.S. state that uses Daylight Saving Time.
You don’t want to change your clocks? Don’t change them.
Tell me how it goes.
(*) p.s. I’m pretty much a rule follower so I will change my clocks. Also, I like DST.
If you chose not to change your clocks you will have to fuss with your Internet-connected devices that change automatically. You can force your cellphone to use the time you want by changing Settings > System (or General) > Date & Time > then un-checkmark “Use network-provided time” and “Use network-provided time zone.” Set whatever time you want. Good luck.
I change all but the one over the work bench in the garage which requires a ladder! And I didn’t think there were that many, but when I counted…there were 7. Thank goodness, the rest change automatically. I’d be happy if they just stuck to ONE time all year. Mom Tee
Oh well, some things go better when we all work together.
I don’t really care which one, but I really wish everyone would just pick one and leave it alone. Florida voted a couple of years ago to stay on DST, but it can’t be done without the Congressional approval.
I love Daylight Savings Time. I love being able to stay outside until well after 9:00 pm for a couple of months during the summer. And it gets light in the morning around 5:00. If we didn’t switch to Daylight Savings Time, it would be light around 4:00 am. And I know that in reality, if I get up at 6:30 am in the summer, I would be getting up at 5:30 am if we didn’t go to DST, and it’s really the same time. I still prefer to have the daylight at the end of the day. And switching back and forth doesn’t bother me as it seems to bother others.
Mary Ann, I do like DST. I just hate switching
I’d be OK with switching to DST permanently, too. I’d prefer it to be darker in the morning when I get up and lighter when I get home.