22 March 2021
What a difference a year makes. COVID-19 has not disappeared — in fact it is resurging slightly in Allegheny County and the eastern U.S. (click for today’s map) — but we’ve learned more about how it spreads and the relative safety of being outdoors. This spring I’m resuming my outings in local parks with the COVID safety rules below:
- Everyone must wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth.
- We will social distance 6 feet as we walk.
- If the number of participants makes social distancing difficult I will divide the group and ask for volunteer(s) to lead the other group(s). Six people per group seems right but the number depends on the trail we use.
That said …
Join me on my first bird and nature outing of 2021 at Duck Hollow and Lower Frick Park on Sunday, 28 March 2021 — 8:30am to 10:00am.
Meet at Duck Hollow parking lot at the end of Old Browns Hill Road.
We’ll see migrating ducks and early songbirds and hope to see an eastern phoebe and tree swallows. Fingers crossed!
Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth (COVID safety rules above). Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring binoculars, field guides and a scope for river watching if you have them.
Hope to see you there.
Visit my Events page before you come in case of changes or cancellations.
(photo from Wikimedia Commons; click the caption to see the original)