1 May 2021
This week April’s wildflowers faded, May flowers began to bloom, and the trees in Schenley Park leafed out.
On 26 April I found golden ragwort, wild geranium and white violets along the Lake Trail at Raccoon Creek State Park in Beaver County.

The city’s heat island effect was evident among the trees. The redbuds in Schenley Park leafed out while those in Beaver County were a week behind, still flowering.

We have so many leaves that they almost obscured an eastern screech-owl on the last day of April.

Welcome to the month of May.
(photos by Kate St. John)
Hooray! Hooray! The lovely month of May! Time to get outdoors and enjoy the rebirth of Mother Earth and her children! Enjoy every moment.
Resolution to the mysterious grosbeak x tanager hybrid story from about a year ago
Thanks for all your excellent work on this blog!
ditto – this blog is soooooooooooooo useful, especially since there is not a monitor on the live site. I got used to asking questions on the Hayes eagle site