8 June 2022
Now that the young Pitt peregrines have begun to fly you’ll have an opportunity in the next 5-7 days to see them up close on campus — maybe even as close as Charity Kheshgi saw one last year (above).
How do you find them?
Walk around campus near the Cathedral of Learning and Heinz Chapel and keep your eyes and ears open. Small birds will help, as the blue jay is doing above. Check out all the tips.
After they’ve flown for about a week they leave for other buildings and are really hard to find.
They were up kiting a lot this afternoon — I noticed I can see them from my front porch around a mile from the Cathedral (feeling fortunate for that!). It looked like one of the adults was doing the kiting and gliding around, and the three little ones were chasing each other around in circles. Really fascinating to see.
Kate, I just wanted to let you know that I was in Speers yesterday and I think I saw a lone Peregrine on the RR bridge. Unfortunately it was sitting on a girder smack in the middle of the river, so my binoculars didn’t give me a really good look, but I could see a white with brown tinged breast, gray wings and a gray head, so I’m pretty sure it was a Peregrine. When I’m in the area I’ll try to stop and look, but it’s definitely an industrial area and someone stopped and asked me what I was doing. They were OK when I told them, though.