23 January 2025
Those who ventured out in this week’s bitter cold hoped to see birds from the far north who had just arrived on the wind. The typical way to find them is to drive past frozen fields watching for movement and scanning for anything that looks like a bird.
What’s that white lump in the field? Is it a snowy owl? Or a plastic bag?
Eleven years ago the winter of 2013-2014 was extremely cold and there was a huge irruption of snowy owls in the Northeast and Great Lakes. People photographed all of them, even the distant ones, to document them in eBird.
At top: Is that a plastic bag on that patch of snow? Below: Are there plastic bags or snowy owls in this photo? And how many?

Is there a snowy owl in this picture?

Answer: All three photos have a snowy owls in them. The middle photo has 3 along the ridge top.
This winter we have not seen a big influx of snowy owls into Pennsylvania though there have been a couple of sightings.

Recently there’s a snowy owl near Grantsville, Maryland which is often photographed from afar. A white lump?
If you’ve ever looked for a snowy owl and found a plastic bag you’ll enjoy the story and photos at The Search for Snowy Owls by Friends of the Fox River in Elgin, Illinois.