As I freely admit in my posts, I rarely take pictures and when I do they are never of birds. This blog would not be a success if it weren’t for the many photographers who’ve graciously allow me to use their work to illustrate my writing, especially Chuck Tague, Steve Gosser, Charity Kheshgi, Chad+Chris Saladin, Marcy Cunkelman, Dianne Machesney and the many photographers with Creative Commons licenses at Wikimedia Commons and Flickr.
Special thanks to those who contributed these banner photos:
• Avocet: Dan Arndt
• Bay-breasted warbler: Chuck Tague
• Barred Owl: Marge Van Tassel
• Peregrine falcon, Dorothy, perched at Cathedral of Learning: Peter Bell
• Peregrine falcon in flight: Chad+Chris Saladin
Two of the banner photos are my own:
• Pearl crescent butterfly on butterfly weed
• Yellow beech leaves in autumn
All photographs are used by permission and are copyrighted material. If you wish to use a photo you’ve seen on my blog, you must get permission from the photographer. I am happy to put you in touch with him or her if you leave a comment below.
Every photographer who’s individually contributed to this blog is listed here in alphabetical order. Their names are linked to their photography websites, if available. Some have contributed one photograph, others have contributed hundreds. Thank you, one and all! You are super!
- Deborah Acklin
- Robin Gwen Agarwal on Flickr, uses Creative Commons license
- Esther Allen (via Loree Speedy)
- Jim Altier
- Bill Anderson (met on Newfoundland trip)
- Bud Anderson
- Mark W. Anderson
- Trina Anderson
- Dan Arndt: flickr, Birds Calgary and Bird Canada
- Bettina Arrigoni on Flickr, uses Creative Commons license
- Rachel Baer
- Christopher Bailey
- Judy Bailey
- Frank Baker
- Gintaras Baltusis
- Jennie and Ken Barker
- Raymond Barlow
- Bill Barron
- barloventomagico
- Doug Bauman
- John Beatty
- Peter Bell
- June Bernard
- Billtacular on Flickr, uses Creative Commons license
- Kathy Borland
- Anne Marie Bosnyak
- Jessica Botzan
- Chris and Tom Brockmeyer
- Dave Brooke
- Michael Brothers
- Julie Brown
- Tony Bruno
- Cathy Bubash
- Stephen Bucklin
- Fran Bungert
- Aaron Budgor (budgora) on Flickr, uses Creative Commons license
- Maury Burgwin
- Nancy Castillo
- P. B. Child
- Jeff Cieslak
- Joe Ciferno, Jr
- Brian Cohen
- Chris Colaianni
- Shawn Collins
- Maren Cooke
- Marcia Cooper
- Dan Costa
- Marcy Cunkelman
- Doug Cunzolo
- Traci Darin
- Dan Dasynich
- Jeff Davis
- Roger Day
- Robert DeCandido
- Karen DeSantis
- Cory DeStein
- Mary DeVaughn
- Annette Devinney: Facebook & Website
- Sean Dicer
- Matthew Digiacomo
- Vicki Dinsmore
- Gregory Diskin
- Mark Dixon
- Haruka Doi
- Bert Dudley
- Doug Dunkerley
- John English
- Mary Eyman
- Joe Fedor, Jr.
- Jon Feenstra
- Leslie Ferree
- Mike Fialkovich
- Beth Fife
- Darryl Ford Williams
- Kelly Foreman
- Kim Fox
- Donna Foyle
- Matt Frederick
- Wendy R. Fredericks on Flickr, uses Creative Commons license
- Jessica Cernic Freeman
- Pat Gaines
- Connie Gallagher
- Kim Getz
- Jeff Gilka
- Bruce Gordon of EcoFlight, for SkyTruth
- Jon Goodwill
- Steve Gosser
- Bobby Greene
- Paul Griffin’s WingedThings website
- Joan Guerin
- Dave Hallewell
- Michelline Halliday
- Cris Hamilton
- Jim Hausman
- Brian Herman and B Herman Photography on Facebook
- Charlie Hickey
- Jim Honeth
- B. Rose Huber, University of Pittsburgh
- Dan Irizarry
- Frank Izaguirre
- Heather Jacoby
- jeffreyw
- Dr. Todd Katzner
- Dave Kerr
- Charity Kheshgi
- Michelle Kienholz
- Scott Kinzey
- Mark Klingler
- Glenn Koppel
- Diane Korolog
- Joe Kozak, PGC
- Bob Kroeger
- Malcolm Kurtz
- Stuart Lafford
- Michael Lanzone
- Beth Lawry
- Sharon Leadbitter
- Steve Leiendecker, WCO, PA Game Commission
- Sam Leinhardt
- Michael Leonard
- Paul Leverington
- Kevin Lin
- Theo Lodge
- James Logan
- Meredith Lombard
- Dianne Machesney
- Lori Maggio
- Ed Malarkey
- Nathan Mallory
- Geoff Malosh flickr, website
- Lynn Mamros
- Dick Martin
- J. Maughn
- Jim McCollum
- Mark McConaughy
- Jeff McDonald
- Patty McGann on Flickr, uses Creative Commons license
- Amy McGovern @ForsakenFotos
- Amanda McGuire
- Michael McNulty
- Rich McPeek
- Roger Melendez
- Donna Memon
- Tom Merriman
- Monica Miller
- Wendy Miller on Flickr and at @geococcyxcal
- Patti Mitsch
- Tom Moeller
- Angela N on Flickr
- Jonathan and Lori Nadle
- Dana Nesiti
- Rachel Papa
- William Parker
- Joshua Parry
- Laurie Patterson
- Tom Pawlesh
- Carol Phillips
- Bill Powers
- Maria Pyrdek, ARL Wildlife Center
- Matthew Richardson
- John C. Robinson
- Christopher Rolinson
- Val Roskosh
- Colette Ross
- Betty Rowland
- Jack Rowley
- Chad+Chris Saladin
- Lauri Shaffer
- Steve Shinn
- Becky Shott
- Kuldeep Singh
- Gregory “Slobirdr” Smith on Flickr, uses Creative Commons license
- Michael Solomon
- Paul Staniszewski
- Andy Starnes, Post-Gazette
- Kim Steininger
- Sparky Stensaas, The Photonaturalist
- Jamey Stewart
- Jamie Sunderland
- Pat Szczepanski
- Christopher T
- Chuck Tague
- Z Taylor
- Tunç Tezel
- Kimberly Thomas
- Mick Thompson
- Shannon Thompson
- Bonnie Jeanne Tibbetts
- Stephen Tirone
- Richard Tourville
- Joanne Tyzenhouse
- Steve Valasek
- Marge Van Tassel
- Tim Vechter
- Dan Viens
- vil.sandi on Flickr, uses Creative Commons license
- Jay Volk
- Larry Walsh
- Robert Warnock
- Debbie Waters
- Terri Watson
- Don Weiss
- Terry Wiezorek
- Kevin Wilford
- Lynne Wohleber
- Mark Wolz
- Dan Yagusic
- Juan Zamora on Flickr, uses Creative Commons license