Pitt Peregrine highlights, 2008

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon at University of Pittsburgh nestThe young peregrines have flown at both Gulf Tower and Pitt.  The nests are empty and the falconcams have nothing to show except gravel and old feathers.

The only way to get a peregrine fix is to visit downtown or the Cathedral of Learning and try to find them flying.  But even a visit to their homes doesn’t guarantee seeing them because they doze in hiding places when it’s hot.

In about a month they’ll leave Pittsburgh and the season will be truly over.

If you’re like me, you miss the falconcams.  Fortunately I’ve come up with an elegant solution:  a slideshow of 2008 Pitt nesting season highlights.


p.s. The bird pictured here on June 9th is the juvenile female peregrine from Pitt.  By that date, both her brothers had fledged but she had not — yet.  She used her free time to explore the camera.

4 thoughts on “Pitt Peregrine highlights, 2008

  1. What a great photo!! Thanks, Kate, for your great blog. It’s been wonderful to get your updates since the chicks have left their nests. I love Tallahassee but I sure wish I could be in Pittsburgh to catch a glimpse of them now! Kathy

  2. Thank you for all the info and the pictures you posted about the falcons. I found it very educational. Thanks again!

  3. Thank you, Kate, for helping us get to know our beautiful “neighbors” this spring. I am looking forward to coming back to the nest next year. –Patty C.

  4. Don’t leave just yet! The blog goes on. I’ve got news of peregrines from around the Pittsburgh area which I’ll post soon… and there are plenty of other birds to talk about now that I have the time.
    Stay tuned!

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