The Pittsburgh Falconcams Are Up!

The National Aviary‘s webcams are “live” at the peregrine falcon nests in Pittsburgh!

This year the big innovation is streaming video at the Gulf Tower nest in downtown Pittsburgh, home of Tasha 2 and Louie.  Watch to see Tasha lay her first egg sometime between March 10 and March 17.

At the University of Pittsburgh nest, home of Dorothy and E2, the camera is zoomed in so you can easily see egg laying and hatching.  When the nestlings start to move the camera will pull back for the rest of the season so you can see all the action.

Watch for Dorothy’s first egg between March 23 and March 29.  For an added treat watch her bowing at the nest with her mate E2 in the slideshow above.

Both falconcams are managed by the Department of Conservation and Field Research at the National Aviary.  Thanks to Dr. Todd Katzner for making it possible!


Those links again are:  The Gulf Tower nest and The University of Pittsburgh nest.

News updates!  Tasha laid her first egg on March 12 at about 2:30pm, second egg on March 14th.


(photo from the National Aviary webcam at the University of Pittsburgh)

9 thoughts on “The Pittsburgh Falconcams Are Up!

  1. Ken and I watched it as it happened. I had no idea it could be so drawn-out and (seemingly) so much work for Tasha to get that egg out. Fascinating! Thanks so much for alerting us to your website and to the new location for the Falconcams. We’ll be watching their progress.

  2. I am so grateful for your website!! I discovered the COL Falcon website by accident and have been watching the nest since early March. My 4 year old is as fascinated as I am!!

    The information you provide is so illuminating, as before I found it, I would grow panicky if I didn’t see either one!! I took my son to the Carnegie Library in Oakland last weekend, and we both actually saw the falcons flying up by the Cathedral! People must have thought I was strange…looking up and yelling to my son, “LOOK!! See them!!”

    A beautiful bird. I can’t believe I’ve lived in Pittsburgh for 40 years and never thought to look for them until now!

    Thanks for all you do!!

  3. I just got a photo from of both of them in the nest. I actually got to watch them do the dance you describe, where they bow to each other! Beautiful.

    I have only ever seen them both in the box, one time before. I love the webcam on this site; it allows you to enlarge the view and take and save photos. So, I thought I would share it!! I must have taken at least a hundred since I started watching in March.

    Thanks again!!

  4. Monday, March 16: Tasha is at the nest because she’s probably laying her third egg today. She lays an egg approximately every other day until the clutch is complete. Typically 3 to 5 eggs.

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