Getting Ready to Walk

American Robin nesting on traffic signal (photo by Sam Leinhardt)

Remember this bird?

Shortly after I blogged about the Don’t Walk robin, Tony Bledsoe was on Craig Street with a friend and told him about the bird nesting on the traffic signal.

Sam Leinhardt is an avid photographer and was intrigued by the idea of creating a chronicle of the robins’ nest.  Happily, Sam got in touch with me and allowed me to use his photos.

Watch the slideshow of nesting activity (below) that spans about one week.  The babies grew a lot, didn’t they!

If all goes well, Sam will have fledging pictures soon.

(all photos by Sam Leinhardt)

4 thoughts on “Getting Ready to Walk

  1. What beautiful shots!! He did a beautiful job…there’s a serenity about Robin’s. My chicks fledged and are gone…but the parents were always serene when I would go and stare at them. Until the cat was out…then the serenity was gone and they got vocal. I didn’t realize they would do it again, until I read your blog. That must explain why I’ve seen three Robin’s in the yard getting worms.

    Yesterday, a morning dove was using the bird bath and then she just sat in there. I ran and got my camera and she was still in there. I took several pictures, then she slowly got out and stood on the edge and then left. It was rather amazing.

    No hummingbirds yet. 🙁

  2. Sorry to say, we probably won’t see these guys fledge. The nest is empty. Hopefully all three hatchlings survived. We now need to wait for the next brood and hope the parents use the same nest!

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