Chance to Spot a Recluse

Ovenbird (photo by Chuck Tague)If you want to see an ovenbird, this is the time to do it.

Ovenbirds are forest dwelling warblers the color of fallen leaves.  They usually spend their time walking the forest floor, weaving through the undergrowth, perfectly camouflaged as they feed on invertebrates among the logs and leaves. 

They even take ground-dwelling to an extreme and place their nests on the ground.  The female builds it in the shape of a beehive oven – hence their name.

Though hard to see they are easy to hear.  Their song is a very loud “tee-CHUR tee-CHUR tee-CHUR tee-CHUR tee-CHUR” that carries easily through the forest.  

I always hear more ovenbirds than I see, except right about now. When this recluse has young babies he becomes protective and brash. 

Today I was harassed by an ovenbird at Ohiopyle State Park.  As I walked through the woods I heard a loud warning “Dink!”  In an effort to identify the source I paused to listen, and it didn’t take long to find out.  The ovenbird was so provoked that he flew toward me, perched above me, raised his head feathers and repeated “Dink!”  Then he sang to make me go away.  He didn’t know his song would charm me.

Eventually he moved away and grabbed a small caterpillar from a leaf.  Instead of eating it himself he flew off with it, so I knew he had babies to feed.  I followed him with my binoculars in hopes of seeing his oven-shaped nest.  To my surprise a fledging popped out of the undergrowth and he stuffed the caterpillar in its mouth.  The fledgling was gawky but special to me – my first view of a young ovenbird.

Soon the fledglings will be self sufficient and their parents will stop caring when I walk by.  So now is the time to see an ovenbird.

(photo by Chuck Tague)

3 thoughts on “Chance to Spot a Recluse

  1. I was camping in Allegheny National Forest over Memorial Day weekend. While hiking I saw an ovenbird faking a broken wing, like a killdeer will do. It flapped and fluttered and then flew a little ways off and looked perfectly normal. I must have been near its nest. There were so many ovenbirds up there it was like a quilt. Walk along listening to one , then another would take over, all the way through the woods.

  2. I have never seen an ovenbird, and don’t know if I’ve heard them. I’ll have to keep an eye out! thanks for introducing me to a species I was unaware of.


  3. I’ve only stumbled upon two ovenbird nests, they’re little gems of architecture. Have also seen the killdeer fakeout performed by an ovenbird and a blackandwhite warbler too, Kathy. Both led us to nests and later, fledglings.
    I thought I had the ovenbird song down, but when I heard it a couple of weeks ago, we mistook it for a Kentucky warbler until the true singer popped up.

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