Happy Mothers’ Day

Today there was excitement at the Gulf Tower peregrine nest when two of the five eggs hatched and made the new resident female, Dori, a first-time mother.

Here are some “baby” pictures captured from the webcam by Traci Darin and Marianne Atkinson.

Happy Mother’s Day to Dori!

The first egg hatched around 7:52am.


Dori offers food at 4:00pm, wondering if the first chick is hungry.


The second egg hatched at 7:07pm.


I was out today, birding since dawn and far from a computer, so I missed the excitement.  Thanks to so many of you for letting me know about the hatchings!

There are three more eggs to go.  Will they all hatch?  We aren’t sure because two of the remaining eggs were laid weeks earlier by the previous female peregrine, Tasha.

Watch the National Aviary webcam to see.

(photos from the National Aviary webcam at the Gulf Tower.  Thanks to Marianne Atkinson and Traci Darin for sending the screen captures.)

14 thoughts on “Happy Mothers’ Day

  1. Happy Mother’s Day to Dorie! I went to the website around 7:30 this evening & she was eating part of the eggshell & then I saw a chick in the other half of the shell. Dorie then kind of pushed it under her but I couldn’t tell if it was dead or alive she moved so fast.

  2. two eggs hatched at gulf building. I watched the second chick hatch and the adult eat the shell. Feathers were dry in about an hour. Very fun to watch.

  3. Great pictures! I missed the hatching of the second egg by about 10 minutes. I am so glad you were able to get the pictures. This site and your updates are so informative. Thanks!

  4. Watching Dori pick at the egg holding chick #2 made us all a little nervous until we realized she was helping the chick out. I didn’t know they helped crack the egg. What a great learning experience!

  5. Is one of the chicks at the Cathedral sick or dead? It’s hiding in the corner not moving, I just saw E2 poke at it for a while with no response.

  6. The third egg hatched today and, no, we can’t tell which eggs are Dori’s and which were Tasha’s.

  7. Dori is doing a great job as a first-time mom! It is so exciting to watch Peregrine eggs hatch in real time!

  8. 7:10 pm just saw another chick coming out of the egg with Dori’s help. Could thet be no. 4?

  9. I’m looking at Dori at 5:24 PM today & I’m seeing her trying to help the last chick out of the shell so it looks like all 5 have hatched.

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