What do Peregrines do on Valentine’s Day?

In Pittsburgh, they spend time courting at the nest.  

Nesting season is nearly here so we’ve been testing the National Aviary falconcams at the Gulf Tower and Cathedral of Learning in the past few days.  The cameras aren’t streaming on the Aviary website yet, but they passed the motion detection test yesterday. 

Here’s the result of the Gulf Tower test.  The camera “saw” Dori and Louie bowing at the nest just before 8:00am on Valentine’s Day.  Notice how low Louie bows (his tail is toward us).  Notice how Dori’s crop looks full.  I bet Louie just brought her breakfast.  What a nice guy he is!

And here’s the Cathedral of Learning motion detection test.  The camera “saw” Dorothy and E2 bowing at their own nest at the University of Pittsburgh.  They prefer to court in the afternoon.

Spring is coming.  Love is in the air.

The falconcams will be “live” on the National Aviary website soon.  Stay tuned.

(photo from the National Aviary falconcams at the Gulf Tower and the University of Pittsburgh)

7 thoughts on “What do Peregrines do on Valentine’s Day?

  1. Dorothy’s OK. The camera at Pitt has a sharper focus. You can see more details there including the actual gravel pebbles and details of Dorothy’s feathers.

  2. Yes, the Wildearth site has to be running first before the Aviary can do the imbed. I’m not announcing the cams until the Aviary site is up because they will have egg & hatch updates, snapshots cams and Pittsburgh Peregrine History. The Aviary web developer is working on the webpages today. It will be ready soon….

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