Planning Their Next Move

A small assembly of crows (photo by Tom Harpel via Wikimiedia Commons)

20 October 2014

Last month the crows had a meeting up north.

What are we going to do when it gets cold?  We can’t stay here.

Yup. These fields have grasshoppers now but they’ll be bare as soon as the frost hits.

Vince told me there are some nice places south of here in the Ohio Valley.  He recommended Wheeling Island and Pittsburgh.

I hear Pittsburgh’s great, especially the East End. Everyone had a great time last year.  Stay away from the Cathedral of Learning, though.  Peregrines live there.

OK, so we’ll go to Pittsburgh.

When do we leave?

In October.

In the past few days Anne-Marie, Julie and Anne have seen flocks of crows at dusk in Shadyside and Oakland.

The crows are back in town. Woo hoo!

(photo by Tom Harpel via Wikimedia Commons. Click on the image to see the original)

7 thoughts on “Planning Their Next Move

  1. Yeah but, yeah but — isn’t it real messy under their roosting trees? Yuck. Not sure I’d be so welcoming. I like the 4 – 5 crows in my backyard — that’s enough. 🙂

    1. Well, yes, they’re messy. I can afford to be enthusiastic because they don’t roost above my car. 😉

    2. 5pm on Monday: The crows are congregating at St. Mary’s and Allegheny Cemetery near Children’s Hospital. !

  2. I seem to have a murder or 4 or 5 that fly over my apt. in Homestead every evening at dusk. Looks like they are headed across the Monongahela to Summerhill. Not exactly a quiet bunch 🙂

  3. I’m starting to look forward to seeing the crows flying over head or roosting above or below me. The sheer number of them is an awesome sight.

    1. Libby, opinions differ on how many are in a ‘murder.’ Some set the number as low as 4 which seems too low to me.

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