At midday on Thursday April 9, Ann Hohn at Make-A-Wish saw a peregrine flying around the top of the Gulf Tower. She didn’t see it stop at the nest so she had no opportunity to find out who it was. And then the bird was gone.
But the bird tripped the motion detection camera at 1:35pm. I discovered this when I pulled the two images he generated.
The first photo shows his feet landing on the upper perch.

The second one shows him on the gravel, looking in the window.
Here’s a closeup. He’s banded, but the photo is not clear enough to read his bands. (Click here for the original photo. Can you tell what color his bands are?)

He looked in the window but left immediately.
Yes, the peregrines are Downtown but they’re not at the Gulf Tower. We would love to know where they are.
Leave a comment if you see them!
(photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Gulf Tower)
this reply is not about Peregrines, however,I live in a small condo in Bridgeville that faces south to the woods below, a creek & a lot of tall trees. I had been watching nest bldg.of a rather large pair of birds that I could not identify for sure. I felt they were some kind of hawk. My binoc. are of little value because they are very small. But I HAVE seen both of them coming out of nest I guess to get food. Read they eat mammals & song birds which is sort of sad but everybody eats everybody else. Got my binoc out but they are too small. Had a wonderful treat, this bird perched on a beechnut tree outside my deck. It is a Cooper’s Hawk. I almost cried to see this wonderful creature so up close. However I do have cats that use my deck so I will only let them out if I am out also. But this will be nice to see more activity once eggs are hatched. I think they used to nest out in huge tree in front of condo but it was struck by lightening a few years ago & since has been removed. But these woods here are full of all kinds of game, and a creek so it’s a small but ample habitat. It’s a blessing for me to enjoy. I am telling you this bec. of your expertize but I have avoided telling too many local people bec. they will come & our parking lot is private. Thanks again for all your interest in birds that made me into a better watcher of all wild life. Thankfully, Faith
Faith, that is great news! Congratulations on such a wonderful nest to watch. (Your location description is not detailed enough to give it away so I posted your comment.)
do we think the peregrine was Louie?
Ally, we don’t know
Bands look like they are black/red and maybe some kind of tape (fading green/dirty yellow) on right?
mwplay, if the bands are black/red, it isn’t Louie. His are black/green
I saw a peregrine at my office at Liberty Center on 4/8. I posted a pic on my twitter feed. Because I took pictures with my cell phone, the quality isn’t the best. First time I have seen one in quite a while. When it left my building it visited the Federal Building next.