Throw Back Thursday:
Three years ago I designed a bumper sticker to show I’m a fan of peregrines — and a fan of Dorothy’s. My sticker had faded a little so I ordered a new one last week and then I thought …
Maybe you’d like one, too.
Click on the bumper sticker to order it at Zazzle. Read the original blog post here: Sign of a Peregrine Fan.
A note about Hatching: Dorothy and E2’s eggs are due to hatch this weekend so the cameras have been zoomed in to watch for pips in the eggs. In the past it’s been normal that one of Dorothy’s 4-5 eggs does not hatch. Because of Dorothy’s age (16!) it is likely that most of them will not hatch this year. We shall see.
UPDATE: Art McMorris, the PA Game Commission’s peregrine expert, has calculated that these eggs will hatch on Monday May 11. So stay tuned.
(screenshot of bumper sticker on Zazzle with a photo of Dorothy by Pat Szczepanski)
Did anyone find where the downtown Peregrines are nesting?
Kurt, we still haven’t been able to find the Downtown peregrines. Alas!