Yesterday at Downtown Pittsburgh Peregrine Fledge Watch fledgling #1 surprised us with his staying power, #2 graduated to the next level, and #3 refused to leave the nest.
Pictured above by Steve Gosser, Fledgling #1 spent more than 24 hours puttering on a ledge on 5th Avenue near Ross Street. He’ll leave when he gets hungry.
#2 learned how to fly high with the wind. On Monday Jamie Sunderland photographed him in an ironic place — the Union Trust eagle gargoyle. By Tuesday he’d mastered that zone and flew up and away out of sight. When a fledgling does that he graduates from Fledge Watch. Congratulations #2!

We thought #3 would have flown by now but she has refused to leave. At midday Tuesday Marcia Cooper reported that her father (Louie) brought food but only fed her half of it, then he flew away as if to say, “You’ll get the rest when you leave the nest.” She was outraged.

I’m heading Downtown now for my morning Fledge Watch shift to see who’s “up” today. If #1 has flown out of sight he, too, will have graduated from Fledge Watch. Update at 9:00am: Yes he did. Congratulations #1!
That leaves us with #3. At the rate she’s going we need Watchers on the schedule Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 18-20. Please check the Downtown Pittsburgh Peregrine Fledge Watch Calendar and leave a comment with your name, email address and the dates/times you’d like to volunteer. I will see your message and add your shift to the calendar.
Thank You to all the volunteers and photographers!
Just one bird left to go.
(photos by Steve Gosser, Jamie Sunderland and John English)
p.s. Here’s news from a really challenging Fledge Watch in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Thank you, Kate, for the updates at the downtown nest. It’s looking good for Dori and Louie’s chicks. Wish I was in PA to help with the watch.
And wow, what a rescue in Lancaster County. Fledge watchers out in kayaks. Such dedication!
I’m so impressed with volunteer efforts and PGC readiness to assist the fledglings in Pittsburgh. Two fledges, two rescues. Come on, #3, fly high! And thanks for the wonderful info from Lancaster County. Imagine — kayakers at the ready, who have already rescued one of the fledglings from the river there. The pic of that soaked baby bird riding on the kayak is just precious. Wonderful dedication by all, and sincere thanks from people like me who watch from afar.
#3 was still in nest 645 to 7 am wed morning. Mom (or dad) came from courthouse pinacle but did not appear to feed #3.
I agree with Lynn. Such dedication. That rescued falcon in the Kayak was precious. One lucky little birdie. Also Silver seems to be spending a lot of time on the green perch. I hope that’s a good sign he/she will be fledging soon.