On Throw Back Thursday:
May is the month when one-year-old bears are on the road, searching for a first home since mama pushed them out this spring.
If you live in the country you’ve already noticed the bears are active and had to pull in your bird feeders so the bears don’t wreck them. If you live in the city or suburbs you might not realize that bears are possible in your area … until one shows up.
When you see a bear don’t make the mistake of feeding him. He’ll think People=Food and continue to hang around, ransacking the neighborhood.
Last year locals fed marshmallows to a bear in Monroeville! And he became a problem. And they had to call the Game Commission to trap and transport him. The Game Commission number in southwestern Pennsylvania is 724-238-9523.
Read more about bears in this 2010 blog post called: Bears???
(photo by Chuck Tague)
And as our local authorities here in CA always remind us “Do not attempt selfies with the bear”. Seriously.
Yep, June is mating season for bears in Pa. So sightings should increase steadily. Fascinating creatures if left alone.