Just a reminder that I’m leading a bird and nature walk on Sunday June 19, 8:30am at Bartlett Shelter on Bartlett Street near Panther Hollow Road. I’m sure we’ll see nesting and baby birds. Click here for more information.
Those who attended my Schenley Park outing on April 24 may remember we found a northern flicker calling from a nest hole above the Visitors Center steps. He was trying to attract a mate to his deluxe nest site under a big shelf mushroom.
Last Friday I found proof that he succeeded. I heard a flicker calling from the same area and it was his son!
Look under the shelf mushroom in these photos. He matches the tree trunk but you can see a dark mustache on his face.

Looking forward to seeing you on June 19. Visit the Events page before you come … in case the walk is cancelled for bad weather.
(photos by Kate St. John)
I told you even *I* found that nest site tempting! 😉 Good for him!