Pennsylvania’s bald eagle season is warming up. Eagle pairs are visiting their nests and the first egg in Pittsburgh is only four weeks away. Here’s how to stay in touch while we wait for that happy event.
Two Pittsburgh eaglecams — Hays and Harmar — are up and running thanks to the collaboration of Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania (ASWP), PixController and the PA Game Commission. The cams are on ASWP’s Eaglecam website including links to Bald Eagle Q&A and Educator Resources.
- The Hays eaglecam in the City of Pittsburgh is broadcasting all day but not overnight until February because its solar batteries aren’t getting enough sun. (No surprise in Pittsburgh’s overcast winter.)
- The Harmar eaglecam above Route 28 near the Oakmont Bridge is currently running overnight but may need to go into No-Night mode for the same reason.
- You can Chat about eagles with other watchers by clicking on the chat button to the left of the camera views.
If you missed a few days of activity and want to catch up, visit ASWP’s Pittsburgh Eagles Facebook page for recent news. The Hays photo (above) and screenshot (below) are from their January 11 Facebook post.

The eagles aren’t always on camera, though, and the nestcams don’t show them in flight. When the weather’s fine you can see a lot from the ground. Click here for directions to the Hays viewing area or see excellent photos online by Annette Devinney and Dana Nesiti, two of the many photographers who visit our Pittsburgh area eagles.
So keep on watching in the days ahead. If history is any guide, the first egg will appear at Hays February 14-20.
It won’t be long now!
(photo and screenshot from ASWP’s Pittsburgh Eagles Facebook page; click on the images to see the Facebook post)
Have been watching the eagle nest in fort myers florida. One egg hatched and eaglet E9 looking very healthy. Other egg not viable. Both parents very attentive
Thank you Kate. Very informative for those wish to watch cam , chat with others about the Eagles or visit the trail. Well done.
Thank You Annette for the updates and beautiful pictures. I was just kidding about a date for this years picnic. We are all looking forward to it again. SED Paddy
I can’t seem to make it stop. I thought all my info was going away.