Sharing Our Love of Peregrines

North America isn’t the only place where peregrines nest in cities.  This 2008 video from the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust in England shows the thrill we all share at having peregrine falcons nest near us.

The Derby video says “Hatching Soon” and yes our peregrine eggs will hatch soon in Pittsburgh … approximately April 16 at the Gulf Tower, April 22 at Pitt’s Cathedral of Learning.


Click here for a Google map showing the location of Derby Cathedral.

(video from the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust)

7 thoughts on “Sharing Our Love of Peregrines

  1. Kate,

    Thank you for sharing this video. I too love watching the Peregrines in Pittsburgh. I’m hoping all goes well this year for Hope & Terzo and Louie and Dori. I’m really looking forward to (hopefully) seeing all 9 eggs hatch this year. Should be really interesting and a lot of fun watching them!

    1. Bethany, I don’t know if there will be problems. My guess is that the biggest danger is that Hope would kill it as she did with the last egg last year.

    2. If Hope proves to be a defective female and devours her offspring again, would the camera be shut down or- – – ?

    3. Karen, I don’t know the answer to your question but I can say this: If Hope kills and eats one of her chicks it will happen so fast that humans won’t be able to shut down the camera before it’s over. The shutdown would be an afterthought.

  2. Karen, the camera will stay up. While it was disturbing last year to see Hope kill her young & feed them to her first hatch, it was nature.

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