Most of the year I forget they exist and then one evening in early June I’m surprised by joy. The fireflies are back! It doesn’t matter how old I get. I’m always excited to see them.
I love their yellow-green lights, their hard-to-track flight paths, and the way they raise their wing covers and pause … just before they fly.
Did you know that their Photuris pensylvanica species is the Pennsylvania State Insect?
Read more in this vintage article from 2011: The Lightning Bugs Are Back
(photo by Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University, Bugwood.org; Video from Wikimedia Commons)
I loved falling asleep while watching fireflies outside my window, wonderful memories! Simpler times in life
Oh, how I miss fireflies! None here in Southern California. Enjoy.
So excited they’re back – I’m moving out of the area in a few weeks and was worried I wouldn’t get to see them. Fireflies are absolutely magical.