August 12, 2018: The Live Stream will stop but camera Snapshots will still be on.
Summer is a lazy time for peregrine falcons. The adults are molting and the young have left home.
At the Univ. of Pittsburgh I usually find a peregrine snoozing in a nook on the north face of the Cathedral of Learning. As expected the birds shun the nestbox except for a short spurt in late July. So we won’t miss much when …
Ozolio’s six month contract for streaming the National Aviary‘s falconcams ends this week on August 15.
The Cathedral of Learning and Gulf Tower live streams will go dark but you can still see snapshots at the links below:
- Cathedral of Learning peregrine nest snapshots
- Gulf Tower snapshots. (This nest has not been used since 2017)
As you can see, there’s not much to watch …

Streaming will resume in February 2019 in advance of the nesting season.
(photos from the National Aviary falconcams at Cathedral of Learning and Gulf Tower, Pittsburgh, PA)