22 December 2021
In 2019 a pair of bald eagles built a nest near the Monongahela River at USSteel’s Irvin Works in West Mifflin. In 2020 they fledged one youngster. In 2021 they fledged two. This year we can watch them live on the new USS eaglecam installed this month by PixCams of Murrysville.
Click here or on the screenshot above to watch the live USS eaglecam feed.
The Irvin bald eagles are the second pair to nest along the Monongahela River in Allegheny County. Their famous eaglecam neighbors, the Hays bald eagles, are 5 miles away as the crow flies and more than 11 miles away if the eagles follow the river route as shown on this map generated by gmap-pedometer.

Learn more about this new pair and see photos of the nest and their youngsters in Mary Ann Thomas’ 21 December 2021 article: First live webcam installed at steel mill eagle nest at U.S. Steel Irvin Plant in West Mifflin.