Watch Wading Birds

Wading birds feeding in Florida (screenshot from MyBarckyardBirding on YouTube)

24 February 2022

Take a visual trip to Florida and watch at least 10 species of birds feeding in a marsh. Notice that some stab at underwater prey, others nibble below the surface, some pick at the shore and some (the pink ones!) swipe their bills side-to-side.

How many of them can you identify? Leave a comment with your answer.

(Note: The embedded video from @MyBackyardBirding is limited it to the first two minutes. Click here to see the entire 13.5 minute video.)

Check back later for my checklist from the video.

(screenshot and embedded video from MyBackyardBirding on YouTube)

LATER. Here’s my list of the birds I saw in the video:

  1. Great egret
  2. Snowy egret
  3. Little blue heron
  4. Tricolor heron
  5. Glossy ibis
  6. White ibis
  7. Roseate spoonbill
  8. Boat-tailed grackle
  9. Lesser yellowlegs
  10. Greater yellowlegs.

One thought on “Watch Wading Birds

  1. So beautiful and such soothing music. I checked the you tube video, but did not see who did the music. I am so blessed to have these beautiful creatures right outside my home. We have two man-made lakes in my complex and retention ponds up and down the main road. They have all made themselves at home. (I think the spoonbills are my fav)

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