10 April 2022
This week’s showers brought …
- April flowers such as purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) at Toms Run, above.
- Scarlet cup mushrooms (Sarcoscypha coccinea) at Little Sewickley Creek.

- Almost-blooming native trees including eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis) in Frick Park.

- Swelling buds and leaf out on the yellow buckeyes (Aesculus flava) in Schenley Park.

- and Mud Season!

This year’s cold weather delayed the trees compared to last year on this date. For comparison see Spring Green from 10 April 2021.
And finally: Why did it Rain, Sun, Rain, Sun over and over again yesterday? The National Weather Service radar shows a flock of discrete self-contained rain clouds moving over the landscape.

(photos by Kate St. John; radar map from NWS)