30 May 2022
The first week of June is jam-packed with outdoor opportunities. Join me at Schenley Plaza or Schenley Park for these fun activities:
- Pitt Peregrine Fledge Watch, Schenley Plaza, June 4, 5
and 7 - Phipps Bio-Blitz, Schenley Park, June 5
Pitt Peregrine Fledge Watch, Schenley Plaza, June 4, 5
Pitt Peregrine Fledge Watch is a drop-in event to swap peregrine stories and watch the young birds learn to fly from the Cathedral of Learning. I’ll have my scope on hand for a zoomed in view of the youngsters exercising their wings. Bring binoculars or camera. Check the Events page before you come in case of weather cancellation.
Where: Schenley Plaza near the tent, shown above.
When: Fledge Watch is weather dependent and will be canceled for rain or thunder. Check here before you come.
- Saturday June 4, 11:30 to 1:00pm
- Sunday June 5, 11:00 – 12:30pm, starts earlier after my BioBlitz walk (see below)
Tuesday June 7, 11:30 – 1:00pm
Who: I’ll be there with John English of Pittsburgh Falconuts Facebook group and lots of peregrine fans. (On June 7 John English will start the watch at 11:30a; I’ll arrive at noon.)
Parking: On-street parking is free on Sundays. Otherwise you must use the pay stations on the sidewalks. Garage parking is available at Soldiers and Sailors Hall, just over a block away on Bigelow Boulevard.
Phipps BioBlitz Bird Walk in Schenley Park, Sun June 5, 8:30a – 10:30a

On Sunday June 5, Phipps BioBlitz will bring together families, students, local scientists, naturalists, and teachers for a biological survey of the plants and animals in Schenley Park. See and learn about birds, plants, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, mollusks and more. As part of the BioBlitz I will lead a bird walk 8:30am-10:30am. The event is free. No registration required. Read all about Phipps BioBlitz Day here.
Where: Starting from Phipps front lawn. You’ll see a sign for my walk.
When: Sunday June 5, 8:30a-10:30a
Parking: Free on Sundays!
Note: As soon as the bird walk is over, I’ll adjourn to Schenley Plaza for Pitt Peregrine Fledge Watch.
(photo credits: Schenley Plaza tent by Kate St. John, Phipps Conservatory from Wikimedia Commons)
Think Red just found his way up to the top of the nestbox starting at 9:33.